``Software for the management of biobanks: data, samples, donors and information related to preparatory phase``
General Information
oloBiobank is the right solution for the management of biobanks and connected workflow. The system is web-based with a server that hosts oloBIOBANK for the storage of data about donors and samples. It allows to create a donor card, to ease the conservation of each individual sample regardless of storage location and means.
The donor card consists in a medical sheet (administrative data, medical history etc) equivalent to a medical record where to store all the donor data. oloBIOBANK facilitates multidisciplinary research through team collaboration even from remote locations.
oloBIOBANK uses SPREC (Standard Coding of Preanalitycal Procedures) by ISBER (international Society for Biological Environment Repositories) for the sample preparatory operations. Each sample is linked to a code with seven variable, which are different for stream or solid samples and are separated by dashes.
oloBIOBANK strenght
- Fully customizable cards
- Patient medical record linked to the sample
- Ability to manage anonymous patients
- Advanced search through filter and spreadsheet export
- Integrated warehouse management
- SPREC linked to the sample
- Web Based and availability on multi devices
- Multi-user and multi-profile